ANU Examination branch announced ANU Degree Hall Tickets 2020 at Download Acharya Nagarjuna University Admit Cards for UG 2nd, 4th & 6th Semester of March / April 2020 examinations. Check ANU BA, B.Com, B.Sc group wise hall tickets of regular and supplementary exams from official website,, and websites.
Download ANU Degree Hall Tickets 2020 (Released)

Exam Event | Description |
Name of the University | Acharya Nagarjuna University (ANU) |
Examination Name | Degree / UG Regular and Supple 2020 |
Semesters | 2nd, 4th and 6th Semester |
Groups | BA B.Com B.Sc Courses |
Examination Session | March / April, 2020 |
Date of Exams | From 05th March, 2020 |
Hall Tickets Status | Released and Available Now… |
Category | ANU Degree / UG Hall Tickets 2020 |
Official website |, |
ANU UG Hall Tickets 2020 – II, IV, VI Sem
Aacharya Nagarjuna University has announced ANU Degree 2nd Sem Hall Tickets, ANU Degree 4th Sem Hall Tickets and ANU UG 4th Semester Hall tickets of BA, B.Com, B.Sc regular and supplementary examinations. Candidates who applied for these examinations can now can able check and download their ANU UG 2nd, 4th, 6th Sem Admit Card through given below mention link by the help of login details.
Also Check ANU PGCET Notification 2020 (Released)
ANU Hall Ticket is the most important document to carry on the day of each exam. Almost all the Students appearing for the exam without the hall ticket shall not be entertained in the exam. Importantly The hall ticket holds the information of the students and the exam. Students can check the hall ticket for the exam center details. ANU Hall Ticket is examined by the examiner during the exam.
Steps To Download ANU Degree / UG Hall Ticket 2020
- Visit the official site of the Acharya Nagarjuna University (ANU) @
- On the home page, students can find Degree / UG Hall Tickets 2020.
- Now, you can find the ANU Degree Admit Cards for B.Sc, BA, BBA, BCA, B.Com (General & Restructured), BAOL Courses.
- Enter Your Hall Ticket number and date of birth.
- Later click on download hall ticket button.
- Finally your ANU UG Hall Ticket 2020 displays on the screen.
- Download and take a hard copy of the hall ticket and appear your examination
- If you face any trouble in downloading hall ticket, comment in below comment box.
Important Website Links:
- Official Website of ANU Admissions:
- ANU Official Website:
- For Andhra Pradesh all Entrance Exam Notifications visit