AP Inter Supplementary Time Table 2023 for 1st & 2nd year General and Vocational courses released in the name of IPASE 2023 by BIEAP. The official PDF format date sheet is now available to download from official website bie.ap.gov.in. As per the revised schedule The exams starts from May 24, 20232 with Second language paper-1 and ends on June 01, 2023 with Geography Paper-2.
AP Inter Supplementary Time Table 2023 (Released)

It is hereby informed that the tentative time table for 1st & 2nd year Intermediate students for Intermediate Public Advanced Supplementary Examinations, 2023 is approved by the Hon’ble Minister for Education, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh & Chairman, Board of Intermediate Education, Andhra Pradesh.
BIEAP 1st & 2nd Year IPASE 2023 Dates (Theory)
Time: 9.00 A.M. to 12.00 Noon (FORENOON SESSION) |
Time: 2.30 P.M. to 5.30 P.M (AFTEROON SESSION) |
Day & Date | 1st Year Supple / Improvement Dates | Day & Date |
2nd Year Supple Dates |
24 May, 2023 (Wednesday) |
PART-II: 2nd Language paper-I |
24 May, 2023 |
PART-II: 2nd language Paper-II |
25 May, 2023 (Thursday) |
PART-I: English Paper-I |
25 May, 2023 (Thursday) |
PART-I: English Paper-II |
26 May, 2023 (Friday) |
PART-III: Mathematics Paper-IA, Botany Paper-I, Civics Paper-I Psychology Paper-I |
26 May, 2023 (Friday) |
PART-III: Mathematics Paper -IIA, Botany Paper -II, Civics Paper-II Psychology-II |
27 May, 2023 (Saturday) |
Mathematics Paper-IB Zoology Paper -I History Paper –I |
27 May, 2023 (Saturday) |
Mathematics Paper –II B Zoology Paper -II History Paper –II |
29 May, 2023 (Monday) |
Physics Paper-I Economics Paper – I, Classical Language Paper -I |
29 May, 2023 (Monday) |
Physics Paper –II Economics Paper –II Classical Language Paper –II |
30 May, 2023 (Tuesday) |
Chemistry Paper – I Commerce Paper -I Sociology Paper -I, Fine arts, Music Paper -I |
30 May, 2023 (Tuesday) |
Chemistry Paper –II Commerce Paper -II Sociology Paper –II Fine arts, Music Paper –II |
31 May, 2023 (Wednesday) |
Geology Paper –I Home Sciences Paper –I Public Administration Paper-I Logic Paper –I Bridge Course Maths Paper-I (for Bi.P.C candidates) |
31 May, 2023 (Wednesday) |
Geology Paper –II Home Sciences Paper –II Public Administration-II Logic Paper –II Bridge Course Maths Paper-II (for Bi.P.C candidates) |
01 June, 2023 (Thursday) |
Modern Language Paper –I Geography Paper -I |
01 June, 2023 (Thursday) |
Modern Language Paper -II Geography Paper –II |
- Practical Examinations for General and Vocational students will be conducted from 05-06-2023 (Monday) to 09.06.2023 (Friday).
- Theory Examinations are scheduled from 24-05-2023 (Wednesday) to 01-05-2023 (Thursday)
Who can Appear AP Supple Exams May 2023?
1. For Regular I Year Students: Students admitted into First Year during the Academic Year 2022-23 and now promoted to Second Year during the Academic Year 2022-23.
- All the First Year students who paid Examinations Fee for IPE March 2023 were promoted by awarding Minimum Pass marks
- Those students who wish to improve their performance can appear for the Examinations in one or more subjects.
- If any student not appears for these examinations, pass marks which were already awarded holds good.
- They need not pay Examination fee for these Examinations.
- Those students who have not paid the Examination Fee during IPE March 2023, can pay the Examination fee now for appearing the Examinations.
2. For Regular Second Year Students: (Who completed the Second Year during 2022-23)
- The students who paid Examination Fee for IPE March 2023 can improve their performance in one or more subjects (both I and II Year subjects)
- The need not pay the Examination fee for this improvement
- Improvement of Marks in Practical Examinations is Not permitted
- Better marks will be awarded
3. For Private Candidates: (Students having Backlog subjects):
- The Private candidates should pay the Examination fee for one or more failed subjects they wish to appear
4. For Attendance Exemption Candidates:
- All the candidates failed in or absent for “Ethics & human values” and “Environmental Education Examinations” (Compulsory Qualifying Examinations) who did not pay the Examination fee for IPE March 2023 and now willing to appear for these examinations should pay the examination fee.
5. Practical Examinations
All the candidates failed in or absent for any subjects of Practical Examinations can pay the Examination fee for these Examinations.