BOSEM +2 Results 2020 will be released Council of Higher Secondary Education, Manipur in the official website Manipur intermediate examination was conducted in the months of Feb and March.The exam results was expected to be released in the month of June.

Board Of Secondary Education Manipur
Higher Secondary Examination was conducted by Council of Higher Secondary Education Manipur. 10+2 results will be released in the month of June by CHSE Manipur in the official website. Candidates can check their results by following the instructions given below.
Board of Examination | Name of Examination | Date of Exam | Date of Results |
Council of Secondary Education | Higher Secondary Education | Feb – Mar | June |
How to check BOSEM 10+2 Results 2020
- Visit the official website of BOSEM –
- On the home page you will find Higher Secondary Education 2020
- Enter the Roll Number in the slot provided
- Click on the submit button after entering the details
- Result will be displayed in the new window
- Save or Printout the results for further usage
HSE Name Wise Results 2020
- Visit the official website of
- Select your name as Manipur
- Search Council of Higher Secondary Education Manipur
- Enter Name in the provision and click on search button
- List of candidates with the Name entered along with Father name will be displayed
- Select the name and click on the get result
- Save or Print out the results for further usage
Inter Improvement Examination:
- Candidates who had attended inter First year examination and scored less marks had an other chance to increase their score by attending Improvements exam.
- Candidates who had passed the exam are only eligible for the exam
- The number of subjects to be attempted in Improvements exam will be the students choice
- Improvements exam will be conducted only for First year students
- If the marks scored in Improvements is lesser than regular, then Improvements marks will not be considered