MBSE HSLC Result 2020 (Released) -www.mbse.edu.in 10th result 2020

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Mizoram Board of Secondary Education declared MBSE HSLC Result 2020 on 13th May. This year, the Manipur Class 10 final exams dates started on February 18 and continued up to March 18, 2020. Check MBSE Class 10 exam results with name from official website link www.mbse.edu.in. Alternatively, students can also check name wise result from www.indiaresults.com. Therefore you can search Mizoram Board class 10th results using roll number and Registration number.

MBSE HSLC (Class 10) Result 2020 (Released)

Mizoram Board (MBSE)

The students who had appeared in the exams are eager to know their grades by visiting the official website of MBSE i.e www.mbse.edu.in class 10 result link. Just You need to enter your registration number and roll number to download the MBSE HSLC Class 10th result 2020. As per the latest released notification Mizoram Board conducted 10th class (HSLC) examinations from 18th Feb – 18th March, 220.

www.mbse.edu.in 2020 10th result Updated

As per the official notification, MBSE HSLC 2020 Result would be available on the official website www.mbse.edu.in from 13th May, 2020 after 1 pm. One more thing, student should keep their admit card ready because there will be its use while checking the MBSE High School Result 2020.

Event NamesDescription
Name of the BoardMizoram Board of Secondary Education (MBSE)
Class NameHigher Secondary Leaving Certificate (HSLC)
Examination NameHSLC (Class 10) Annual Exams Feb/March 2020
Date of exams startedFebruary 18, 2020
Date of exams endedMarch 18, 2020
Post CategoryMBSE 10th Result 2020
Result DateMay 13, 2020
Status of ResultAnnounced
Official websitewww.mbse.edu.in

Various Methods to Check MBSE 10th Result 2020

After the announcement of MBSE 10th Result 2020, all the candidates at once tries to check their marks. With this effect the official website server may crash and it might overloaded. In such situations students would not able to find their result. To overcome this we have provided various methods to check Mizoram Board exam result. You can use any of the below process to search your result even in busy hours.

1. Check Mizoram 10th Result 2020 Online (Available Now…)

The direct online links to this page for Mizoram HSLC Result 2020 is provided below. You may also follow the step by step instructions as provided below to check Mizoram board exam result.

  1. Step

    Visit official website of Mizoram Board School Education (MBSE). The direct link is http://mbse.edu.inMBSE Official Website

  2. Step

    From home page you will find exclusive result portal website link. Click on that link to search all the results announced by MBSE.MBSE Result Portal

  3. Step

    A new page loads where you can find the list of all MBSE Results. From this page search for “HSLC Examination Result 2020” link and click on it. MBSE HSLC Examination Result

  4. Step

    After clicking on above said link another page opens where you have to enter your Roll No. and Registration No. to find your ResultMizoram Class 10th Result

  5. Step

    After entering your Roll No and Reg No. you can find your subject wise marks appears on the screen. Check your number, name and other personal details carefully.

  6. Step

    Later check subject wise marks, grades obtained and finally download, save and take a print out for reference.

2. Get MBSE HSLC Result 2020 by SMS?

To get the result for MBSE class 10th exam, students need to type the following message –

MBSE10 space Board Roll no. (For example: MBSE 10 897645638)
After typing this message, you need to send the message to 5676750

3. Mizoram Class 10 Result 2020 in Whatsapp

By WhatsApp – To get the message through Whatsapp, you send to text at the these numbers: 7005678588, 9774740110, 9862610947, 8974738793

4. Other Websites to check Mizoram Results 2020

Mizoram HSLC 2020 toppers

  1. Lalhlimpuii C Vanlalsiama (Female) – 476, St. Paul’s Higher Secondary School, Aizawl
  2. Simon Shangpliang (Male) – 476, St. Paul’s Higher Secondary School, Aizawl
  3. Singokhai Chozah (Female) – 476, St. Paul’s Higher Secondary School, Aizawl
  4. C Vanlalruatfeli (Female) – 475 , St. Paul’s Higher Secondary School, Aizawl
  5. CR Lalromawia (Male) – 473, St. Jospeh higher Secondary School, Aizwal

About the Board

The Mizoram Board of School Education (abbreviated as MBSE) is a board of school education in the state of Mizoram, India. It is an autonomous governmental body which is responsible for academic administration in the state of Mizoram, India, having its dominion from elementary to higher secondary education.


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