Mahatma Jyothibha Pule Degree Entrance Hall Ticket – MJPTBCW RDC CET 2022

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MJPTBCW RDC CET 2022 hall ticket download for Mahatma Jyothibha Pule Degree Entrance. Applied candidates can use his/here registration id and date of birth to get hall ticket. Students who have applied for this examination should download the TSBCWRDC CET hall tickets from the Society’s website from May 28, 2022. Examination centers have been set up at 33 district centers across the state.

Mahatma Jyothibha Pule Degree Entrance Hall Ticket


Mahatma Jyothiba Phule Telangana Backward Classes Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society (MJPTBCWREIS) issued the Residential Degree College Common Entrance Test (RDC CET) 2022-23 notification in March. Telangana BC Welfare REIS invited the online applications from the eligible students who were passed inter or inter appeared students for admission into Degree course in MJPTBC Welfare Residential Degree Colleges in Telangana State for the academic year 2022-2023.

MJPTBCW RDC CET 2022 Hall Ticket

Entrance NameTSBCWRDC CET 2022
Conducting SocietyMahatma Jyotiba Phule Telangana Backward Classes Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society (MJPTBCWREIS)
Offered CoursesDegree BA, B.Com, B.Sc courses
CategoryMJPTBCW RDC CET Hall Ticket 2022
Hall Ticket download dateMay 28, 2022
Selection ProcessMerit in the Entrance Examination.
Entrance DateJune 05, 2022
Entrance Exam timings10:00 AM To 12:30 PM

How to Download the TSBCWRDC CET Hall Ticket 2022: 

Telangana State BC Welfare RJC Common Entrance Test, TSBCWRDC CET hall ticket has been released by the TSBCWREIS. Students who have registered for the TS BC Welfare RDC CET examination can download their hall ticket from the official website  Students may follow the given simple steps to download the Result.

  1. Visit the website

    Students who have registered for the TSMJBC RDC CET may visit the official website of TS BC RDC CET by entering the URL in your device browser and press the enter key. Then, Mahatma Jyothiba Phule Telangana Backward Classes Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society website will be displayed.

  2. Click on Hall Ticket Link

    Once your reach the MJP TBCWREIS website, search for the ‘Hall Ticket’ link at the home page and click on it, and another hall ticket downloading web page will appear.

  3. Enter your details

    On the downloading RJC Admission Test Hall Ticket web application, enter your registration number and date of birth in the required fields.

  4. Click on Get Hall Ticket Link

    After entering the details, click on the ‘get hall ticket’ link. Your Telangana BC Welfare RDC CET hall ticket will be opened in your device and download it.

  5. Take a print Result

    Check all details and read the examination instructions in your RDC CET Hall Ticket. Take a print and preserve it for future need.

Important instructions to the candidates:

  • Candidates will be permitted into the examination centre 15 minutes before the commencement of examination and will not be allowed to leave the examination hall until the end of the examination.
  • Candidates will not be allowed into the examination hall after the commencement of the test.
  • If the photograph is missing on Hall Ticket, please paste your passport size photograph in prescribed area duly attested by Principal/any Gazetted Officer and a Xerox copy of the same hall ticket is to be handed over to the invigilator.
  • Using the whitener/blade/eraser or any kind of tampering to change the answer on the OMR answer sheet will lead to invalidation.
  • Hall ticket must be produced at the test centre and also in the examination hall, failing which he/she will not be allowed to appear for the test.
  • Candidate must carry only (i) writing pad, (ii) Blue/Black ballpoint pen into the Examination Hall. Use Blue/Black ballpoint pen only to darken the circle of the correct answer in OMR answer sheet. Do not use pencil to darken the circles in OMR answer sheet.
  • Carrying of calculators, log tables, cell phones, any other electronic gadgets and loose paper into the examination hall is strictly prohibited.
  • Adoption of any kind of unfair means at the time of test or any act of impersonation will disqualify the candidate from appearing the test.
  • Hall ticket must be preserved till the time of admission into the College, if any correction is noticed in particulars given in Hall ticket (except group), the students can write a request letter to the Chief Superintendent by enclosing copies of evidence.
  • The candidates should hand over the OMR answer sheet to the invigilator before leaving the examination hall. They are allowed to take away the question paper booklet after completion of the exam.

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