TN 10th Exam Postponed? The Directorate of Examinations is also considering postponing Class 10 board exams, scheduled from March 27 to April 13, for the safety of the students. School teachers demanded that the Tamil Nadu government postpone Class X board exams in view of the Covid-19 pandemic.
TN 10th Exam Postponed? Check Latest Update Here

In view of the corona threat, the School Education Department would take a decision very soon as to whether to conduct board exams or not. Tamil Nadu Teacher Association president P K Ilamaran demanded that Class X board exams be held in June. “The virus can spread easily among groups. Even if precautions such as sanitising facilities are being done, the best precautionary measure is social distancing. So we seek that the exams are postponed,” he said.
“Similarly, Tamil Nadu should also announce that all students from Classes I to VIII are being promoted. The state should also consider the situation and cancel Class IX exams and promote all students,” he said. He added that Class X board exams should be postponed.