TS EMRS Recruitment 2023, Contract Teaching Jobs in Ekalavya Schools.

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TS EMRS Recruitment 2023 notification released to fill TGT, PGT and Librarian Jobs in Contract basis. Online applications for Telangana Ekalavya Model School outsourcing teaching jobs starts from June 21, 2023 and continues till last date July 02, 2023. Application fee for General Category candidates is ₹100/- and no fee for SC/ST category candidates. Check TS Eklavya School Recruitment notification details, eligibility, vacancy details, registration process from here.

TS EMRS Recruitment 2023 – Teaching Staff (Outsourcing)

TS EMRS Recruitment (Contract Basis)

Telangana Eklavya Model Residential Schools (EMRS) are co-educational and fully residential schools located in rural areas. TS EMRS contract job notification 2023 released to fill teachers required to perform responsibilities attached with residential system of schooling like House Mastership, remedial supervisory studies, organization of co-curricular activities, escorting of students& other official purposes and looking after students’ welfare in general, in addition to normal teaching duties.

TS Ekalavya Model School Contract Teachers Recruitment 2023

Recruitment EventEvent Dates / Description
Notification NameTS EMRS Contract Teachers Recruitment 2023
Conducted byTS Eklavya Model Residential Schools Society (TSES)
Job Location23 EMRS Schools, Telangana
Classes6th – 12th Class
Available PostsTGT, PGT and Librarians
Application FeeGeneral Category: ₹ 100/-
SC/ST Category: No Fee.
Online ApplicationsStarts: June 21, 2023
Last Date: June 30, 2023
Official Website:https://fastses.telangana.gov.in/
Recruitment Pagehttp://emrs-23adm.iyuga.co.in/

TS EMRS has been decided to fill up the vacancies of Teaching staff temporarily on outsourcing basis in the following 23 EMR Schools functioning in Telangana State for the academic year 2023-24. Applications are invited from the eligible candidates to fill up the following vacancies temporary basis in EMRS before last date June 30, 2023.

Eklavya School Contract Teacher (PGT, TGT) Subject wise vacancies

Below is the list of vacancies of TS EMRS temporary teachers recruitment for the year 2023-2024. Check TGT and PGT subject available posts from below table.

Subject Name (PGT)No. Of vacanciesSubject Name (TGT)No. Of Vacancies
Mathe Matics11Telugu17
Physics18Mathe Matics14
Biology13Social Studies11
Total139 Posts100 Posts
Note: The total number of vacancies may increase or decrease.

TS EMRS Recruitment 2023 Post wise Eligibility

Age Limit (as on July 01, 2023): Minimum and Maximum age limit shall be 21 years and 60 years respectively

Post NameEducational Qualifications
PGTsPGT (English): English
PGT (Hindi): Hindi
PGT (Physics): Physics
PGT (Chemistry): Chemistry
PGT (Mathematics): Mathematics
PGT (Biology): Botany / Zoology/Biology
PGT (History): History
PGT (Geography): Geography
PGT (Commerce): Commerce with Accounting/Cost Accounting/ Financial Accounting as a major subject of study. Holders of Degree of M. Com in Applied/Business Economics shall not be eligible.
PGT (Economics): Economics
PGT (Regional Language): Regional Language.

l. PGT Information Technology: M.Sc. (Computer Science / IT) /MCA from recognized university/institute.
M.E. Or M.Tech. (Computer Science / IT) from recognized university /institute.

Important Note:
Candidates possessing Master’s Degree in subject (s) as mentioned above will only be considered as eligible.
b. B.Ed. Degree. (In case of integrated 4 years degree course, B. Ed. Is not required)
(English/ Hindi/
Social Studies)
Four years integrated degree course of Regional College of Education of NCERT or other NCTE recognized institution in concerned subject
Bachelors Honours Degree in the concerned subject. Candidate should have studied requisite subjects for at least 2 years in the 03 years degree course.
Bachelors Degree from a recognized university in concerned subject. The candidate should have studied the requisite subjects in all three years of degree course.

Post wise elective subjects and Languages in the combination of subjects are as under:
a) For TGT (Hindi): Hindi as a subject in all the three years of Degree course.
b) For TGT (English): English as a subject in all the three years of Degree course.
c) For TGT (Maths):
(i) Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics along with Physics and any one of the following subjects: Chemistry, Electronics, Computer Science, Statistics.
(ii) In case of such Universities which provide for only two subjects out of the six as mentioned above in the final year of graduation, the candidate should have studied Maths and Physics in the final year of examination and three subjects, viz, Maths, Physics and Chemistry / Electronics / Computer Science / Statistics in the first and second years of graduation.
(iii) Candidates who have passed B.Sc. degree with Honours in Maths subject would be considered eligible only if they have studied Physics and Chemistry / Electronics / Computer Science / Statistics in any of the two years of the course. Candidates with B.Sc. (Hons.) in Physics or Chemistry are not eligible for the post of TGT (Maths).
d) For TGT (Science): -Botany, Zoology and Chemistry.
(i) The candidate should have studied Botany, Zoology and Chemistry during all the three years of study in graduation.
(ii) In case of such Universities which provide for only two subjects in the final year of graduation, the candidates should have studied any of the two subjects out of Botany, Zoology and Chemistry in the final year of examination and all the three subjects, viz. Botany, Zoology and Chemistry in the first and second years of graduation.
(iii) In case of Honours Degree in any of the above mentioned three subjects, the candidate must have studied other two subjects in any of the two years of the course.
e) For TGT (Social Studies):
(i) The candidate should have studied any of the two subjects out of the following subject combination at graduation level:
(a) History with Geography/ Economics/ Political Science
(b) Geography with History/ Economics/ Political Science (in other words candidates should have studied any two subjects out of History, Geography, Economics and Political Science, in which one must be either History or Geography)
(ii) History/Geography as above should have been studied for all three years in the Graduation.
(iii) In case of Honours Degree in History the candidate should have studied Geography /Economics/Political Science in any of the two years of the course. Similarly, in case of Honours degree in Geography, the candidate should have studied History/Economics/Political Science in any of the two years of the course. Candidates with B.A.(Honours) in Economics or Political Science are not eligible for the post of TGT (S.Science).

f) For TGT (Regional Language): Concerned Regional Language as a subject / elective subject in all the three years of Degree Course.

And (for all TGTs)
(B) Passed the Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) conducted by CBSE in accordance with the guidelines framed by the NCTE, for the purpose.
(C) B.Ed. Degree*
(D) Competence to teach through English and Hindi/Regional languages.
B.Ed. degree not applicable for 04 years integrated degree course as mentioned in sub clause (C) above.
Librariani. Degree in Library Science from a recognized Institute/University
Graduation with one-year diploma in Library Science from a recognized Institution.
ii. Working knowledge of English and Hindi or Regional Language.

Pay Scale

  1. PGTs: ₹ 35,750/-
  2. TGTs: ₹ 34,125/-
  3. Librarian: ₹ 30,000/-

How to Apply?

TS EMRS Recruitment Application 2023

The candidates are required to upload their applications, duly filled in all respects through the link provided in the online form along with application fee of Rs.100/-. No application form other than prescribed online mode will not be entertained. The last date for submission of online application is July 02, 2023. No application fee for SC/ST candidates.

TS EMRS Contract Teachers Recruitment 2023 New Notification PDF

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