Andhra University on behalf of APSCHE released results and marks sheet of AP EDCET 2021 in October. Download rank cards of AP Ed.CET using hall ticket number and date of birth from This B.Ed entrance test will be conducted by AU, Visakhapatnam on 21st Sept, 2021. All the candidates who appeared this B.Ed admission test can check and download score card with name wise in October, 2021
AP EDCET Results 2021 Latest Updates

The AU, Vishakapatnam releases official preliminary answer key and question papers on 25th Oct, 2021. Also the Response Sheets download link also provided by the official website. And now its time to check AP EDCET results and later download the score / rank card. Direct download link is provided below. Along with results, rank cards, the AU also announces official final answer key of all question papers and all sets.
AP EDCET Qualifying Marks
In order to clear the exam, it is mandatory for the candidates to obtain the minimum marks as then only he/she is eligible for the further rounds of admission. The qualifying marks in the Entrance Test for all candidates (except SC/ST) are 37 out of total marks (i.e. 25%). For the candidates belonging to SC/ST communities, there is no qualifying marks for ranking. There is no minimum qualifying marks for women in Physical Sciences / Mathematics methodologies.
7 Steps Download AP EDCET Rank Card
- First of all visit official website at
- Click on Rank Card Download link provided on home page of the main website.
- Later enter your Register ID and Hall Ticket number.
- Finally click on Submit button.
- After every thing above, your rank card appears on the screen.
- At last Download, Save and take a print out for further use.
- We suggest to keep save this rank card until the admission process is completed.
AP Ed.CET Ranking Procedure 2021
However Candidates will be ranked in each methodology in the order of merit on the basis of marks obtained in AP EdCET -2021 examination. If there is a tie in total marks, Part-C marks will be taken into account to decide relative ranking.
In case of further tie, the marks obtained in Part-A will be taken into account to decide relative ranking. In case of candidates getting equal marks in each of the parts of the test paper, they shall be bracketed for the purpose of award of rank. At the time of admission into the course, age shall be taken into consideration for relative ranking among the bracketed candidates and the older candidates shall be given priority.
The rank obtained in AP EdCET-2021 is valid for entry into B.Ed. course for the academic year 2021-2022 only.