AU UG Revaluation Process, Application, Fee Date 2020 available here for Degree (BA, B.Com, B.Sc) Semester I, III, V Exams Oct/Nov, 2019. Andhra University Students who are not satisfied with AU Degree Results can apply online for AU UG RV/RC (CBCS) and Photocopy (Xerox) of answer sheet from official website Here in this article we are providing complete details of Andhra University Degree Revaluation and Recounting Fee, Dates, Application Procedure and other necessary information.
AU UG Revaluation Process, Application, Fee Date 2020

Name of the Event | Description / Dates |
University Name | Andhra University, (AU) |
Name of the Examination | Degree Oct / Nov 2019 |
Groups | BA, B.Com, B.Sc |
Semesters | UG I, III, V Sem 2019 |
Results Released Date | 13th Feb, 2020 |
Revaluation / Recounting Dates | Not Yet Announced |
Official Website | |
Andhra University Revaluation application Form process not yet started at the official website. The revaluation application process can be expected to start soon as all main exam results have been declared. For more updates keep in touch with our website or university official website also.
Andhra University Degree Results 2020
AU Degree 1st Sem Results 2019-2020 CBCS: Andhra University has released the AU UG results Nov 2019 on 13th Feb, 2020 at, Students who have appeared for Degree 1st Sem BA, B.Com, B.SC Regular and Supplementary examinations in the months of November/December can check the AU Degree 1st semester results which announced by the Andhra University.
AU Degree Revaluation Details 2019-2020
The candidates of andhra univeristy affiliated degree colleges who are desiring of re-valuation of their valued answer scripts are required to apply in the prescribed revaluation format along with re-valuation fees i.e., rs.750/- (rupees seven hundred and fifty only) in respect of each script of b.c.a.i year (first semester) and hand over them to the concerned college principal where they have studied on or before 20-02-2019.
The penalty imposed for the re-valuation applications after the last date upto one week is rs.500/(rupees five hundred only) per each subject and the penalty imposed for the re-valuation applications after one more week is rs.1500/-(rupees fifteen hundred only) per each subject. the specimen hand-writing of the candidate separately for each answer script to be re-valued shall be enclosed to re-valuation application. the candidates applying for the re-valuation need not wait for the re-valuation results and have to appear for the next examination as per the eligibility.
Ordered that for issuing of photocopies of answer scripts an amount of rs.1000/-(rupees one thousand only) be collected for each script in case of ug courses within 15 days from the date of publication of results and an amount of rs. 1500/-(rupees fifteen hundred only) after 15 days of publication of results and within one year per each subject per each candidate.
The candidate be required to apply for photocopies of answer scripts within 15 days from the date of publication of results and after receiving the photocopy he /she may be permitted to apply for revaluation within 5 days if the candidate so desires.