Board of Intermediate AP Inter 23rd March Postponed II yr (Modern Language-2 & Geography) Exams dates announced by BIEAP. According to the revised dates these two cancelled exams are rescheduled to conduct on date 03rd June, 2020. As per initially announced time table above both examinations are to be conducted on March 23. But due to the corona virus pandemic and national wide lockdown announcement the pending exams had to be postponed. Now the board is ready to conduct those exams on June 03rd, 2020.
AP Inter Postponed Exam Date Announced

In Andhra Pradesh, Amaravati, The state board of Intermediate Education on 15th May announced the new exam dates for two pending subjects. The two pending subjects are Modern Language 2nd Paper and Geography Paper-2 of 2nd Year. These both exams will be held on same date and time i.e on June 3, 2020. The remaining two exams starts on 09:00 AM and ends on 12:00 PM.
AP Inter Remaining Exam Date (Announced)
Below we have updated postponed and remaining both exam dates. You can check rescheduled new exam dates of Modern Language-II & Geography-II below.
Event Name | Description |
Name of the Board | Board of Intermediate Education, Andhra Pradesh (BIEAP) |
Exam Name | AP Inter 2nd Year Exams 2020 |
Category | AP Inter Remaining Exam Dates 2020 |
Postponed Subjects | Modern Language-II & Geography-II |
Old Exam Date | March 23, 2020 |
New Exam Date | July 03, 2020 (09:00 AM – 12:00 PM) |
Announced Date | May 15th, 2020 |
Official Website | |
Download AP Inter Remaining Exam Hall Ticket 2020
The AP Inter board has issued orders making it mandatory for wearing face mask to all students who were appearing for these exams, and to follow social distancing. Also board mentioned that The board is making arrangements to conduct these two exams at the same centres mentioned earlier.
Candidates can attend these 2 exams with previously issued hall tickets. If any student missed his/her hall ticket, such students can download the same hall ticket from official website
Important Quick Links
AP 10th / SSC New Time Table 2020 (Released)
On the other hand the Board of Secondary Education of Andhra Pradesh also released new exam dates of 10th class board exams. And according to the new schedule, tenth class (SSC) exams are scheduled from July 10th -15th, 2020. Also the board this year decided to conduct only 6 Papers instead of 11 Papers. You can find more details, subject wise exam dates on this link.
Dear students, Still if you have anything to ask, please write in below comment box. All the best.