BRAOU Degree exam time table 2021: Dr. Ambedkar Open University officially released UG (BA, B.Com, B.Sc) 1st, 2nd and 3rd year annual exam dates of April 2021 at Students can pay exam fee before 25th March and exams will start from 15th April, 2021. Candidates can check detailed schedule pdf from below and register for examinations online by paying application fee mentioned here.
BRAOU Degree Time Table April 2021

It is notified that the III, II & I Year B.A., B.Com, B.Sc., (3YDC) Spell – I APRIL/MAY, 2021 Examinations of this University are scheduled as mentioned below for the old batches Registered from the Academic Year 2001-02 to A.Y. 2017-18.
BRAOU Degree (Old Batches) Exam Dates 2021
Degree | Exam Schedule |
1st year Exam Dates | From 15th – 20th April, 2021 |
2nd year Exam Dates | From 22nd – 27th April, 2021 |
3rd year Exam Dates | From 28th April – 01st May, 2021 |
Dr BRAOU Degree Hall Tickets 2021
The Degree examinations while the First, Second and Third-year degree examinations will be held from as per the announced schedule by Ambedkar Open University. The timings of examinations are available in the notification. Students are advised to visit the portal of and click on U.G. examination registration form for spell-I /Spell II for registration.
The hall tickets can be downloaded from the university website: three days before the commencement of Examinations. The last date for registration is notified for the First, Second and Third Year Examinations through A.P. Online/Debit card/Credit card.
Check BRAOU Degree (CBCS) 1st, 2nd & 3rd year 1st Semester Time Table available here.